Search for Doctors/Hospitals within Preferred Provider Organization Network
International Medical Group (IMG) as the plan administrator for IMG Insurance plans maintains relationships with a network of hospitals, laboratories, and doctors (physicians/specialists) in the United States and throughout the world through its vast Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Network. Many of your provider selection decisions will be based on geographical location and provider specialties – Inside the USA and Outside of the US. Please check your ID card for one of the networks – UnitedHealthCare PPO Network and FirstHealth PPO Network.
Provider PPO Network Verification
What Name to Mention when Verifying with Care Providers
In the US, when you call a doctor’s office for an appointment or present your ID card to a provider, it is important for you to say exactly as noted below. Otherwise, listed providers WILL NOT recognize this language or evidence presented, and may wrongly state that the plan is NOT accepted.
Patriot America PPO Network
Find a network doctor, hospital, lab or health care provider in your area who is part of the PPO network. The PPO directory is updated on a routine basis; however, changes may be made between updates. To ensure that the physician you have selected is in the network, please contact the physician’s office to confirm his or her participation. When seeking care within the U.S. only, coinsurance savings and any other in-network discount may apply. Refer to your ID card for appropriate PPO network.
For Seeking Treatment Within the United States
Patriot America PPO Network
Patriot America plan administrator actively maintains relationships with a wide array hospitals, doctors and other care givers under the IMG plans using third-party networks such as FirstHealth PPO Network and UnitedHealthCare PPO Network.
To locate a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network provider for medical care and health related services for Patriot Travel Series for coverage in USA, with a list of participating facilities and doctors in U.S. network, search by US zip code using the link below 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The respective PPO networks offers nationwide coverage across the U.S. with concentrations in metropolitan and urban cities, traditional travel states, and many rural areas.
To search for doctors, hospitals and other care providers participating in the the respective PPO Networks, please search the links (on top or below).
For Seeking Treatment Outside the United States
Patriot International Provider Network
There is no PPO Network outside the U.S., you can seek treatment and medical care in many countries and territories worldwide with any hospitals and clinics or physician offices. Save your receipts and file your claims online.
However, outside the US you can search IMG’s proprietary International Provider Access (IPA) database for a listing to find doctors and hospitals, and allows you to access quality care worldwide.
Search for a provider outside the USA – click here
Which PPO Network? Check Logo on Insurance ID card
Please refer to the PPO Network logo on the back of ID cards. In the USA only, in-PPO network discounts may apply for Patriot Travel Series, Student Health Series, Global Medical and other IMG Insurance plans. Also, certain plans such as Patriot America Plus or Patriot Platinum will waive the coinsurance amounts if you stay within the PPO network.
UnitedHealthCare PPO Network

If you are a non-U.S. and non-EU citizen or resident visiting the USA, find Doctors, Hospitals, other Care Providers in the UnitedHealthCare PPO network.
Look-up the IMG PPO Network to find doctors, hospitals, emergency rooms, urgent care clinics, caregivers, etc. who are part of the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) used by IMG Insurance Plans. These are providers or caregivers are contacted with either of the UnitedHealthCare or FirstHealth, which both are wide third-part provider network used by International Medical Group policies.
Please check the back of your ID cards for the PPO network for your plan. Please mention that network name when calling these providers to verify coverage.