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Visitors to USA Travel Medical Health Insurance

Every year, many millions of non-US citizens visit America for many reasons such as visiting extended family members who live and work in the USA, or just to visit USA and tour and sight seeing of the various tourist destinations America has to offer. Many more people from all over the world come to America as short term visitors on a holiday trip to visit USA and travel around America along with sightseeing and adventure trips around America. A lot of older parents and in-laws or other relatives and friends just come to America to be with thier grand children during their retired life. All these folks from India need a particular visitors health insurance policy as the domestic medical insurance plan bought in India will not be helpful in USA. The healthcare system in America is high cost and international travelers from India visiting the United States of America can buy India USA travel insurance and happily stay in USA without worrying about the financial burden when any health related emergency or accident happens in America.

Travel medical insurance for visitor to USA provides coverage for general benefits like hospital medical expenses, emergency evacuation, medical reunion, common carrier death benefits,repatriation of mortal remains, accidental death and dismemberment, etc. while in the USA. Also, certain plans offer coverage for acute onset or relapse of certain pre-existing conditions, there are certain restrictions and exclusions, this can be reviewed in plan brochure online.

The private travel health insurance provider companies offer a host of visitor to USA insurance plans to satisfy the needs of persons visiting from any other country. Travel medical insurance for visitors to USA is developed by reputed travel health insurance companies based in North America. The visitors in the United States need visitors health insurance USA policies for a short term that best suits their needs for their age group, and one can compare the quotes of these plans and choose among them to make a purchase instantly online. The compare tool developed by is user-friendly and helps visitors to USA, who can decide which visitors insurance coverage plan to pick and choose.

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Visitor Medical Insurance Terms

When you start researching visitors medical insurance plans for your relatives or friends visiting USA, or any other country, then you encounter many insurance terms that are commonly used by the travel medical insurance industry. For many, there terms may sound very confusing at the onset, but spending a few minutes to better understand these in simple English would help navigate and find the best suited visitors health insurance for them.

Deductible: The plan deductible is the amount you pay upfront towards the medical bills and other included charges before the insurance company pays you back anything. Usually you can get higher deductible to keep premiums lower. Most common deductibles for people purchasing visitors insurance for their parents are $250 or $500, but you also have the option of selecting zero deductible or a high deductible such as $1000 or $2500 also. Make sure you understand the deductible is not the same as co-pay, and it is accumatled over the plan coverage duration before the policy starts reimburseing.

Co-insurance: Most travel medical insurance plans have co-insurance, which is usually in the ratio of 80:20 or 90:10. This co-insurance means that insurance company will pay 80% and you pay 20% for incurred plan costs beyond the deductible. There is usually a maximum ceiling amount for co-insurance, which is usually the first $5K in costs beyond the deuctible. Beyond this, the comprehensive visitor insurance plan usually pays upto the plan maximum.

Pre-existing conditions: Most visitors insurance do not cover pre-existing conditions. Certain visitor insurance plans will cover only Acute onset of pre-existing conditions which means that if there is a sudden reoccurrence of symptoms or disease that you already had and was treated in home country. Remember that you will be covered for a maximum amount that is usually much less than total coverage benefit of the visitors insurance plan, if you buy a policy for $100K coverage, your coverage for Acute onset of pre-existing conditions might be $15K only. Visitor insurance pre-existing conditions is based on the physicians report ordered by the insurance company when the claim is submitted and is got from the doctor who treated the visitor in the host country, so no medical check-up or proof of past medical records is necessary to purchase a visitor insurance policy.

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Visitors Insurance for Travel to USA

It is always prudent to review and purchase visitors insurance for travel to USA, when anyone who is visiting the United States from a company based in USA and focussed on visitor insurance plans. offer free insurance quote from several top rated providers with plans tailored for visitors to USA and travelers around the world. All visitor insurance products featured are available to people of all nationalities who are visiting another country for which they are not passport holders (tourists or expatriates). You can compare among several choices of products offered by well known and reputed US based insurance companies and purchase the plan online.

Buy Visitors Insurance

Once you buy visitor insurance coverage online, you will receive an immediate email confirmation which is also a virtual insurance card. A hard copy print out of this virtual card is proof of insurance coverage. The email will also provide information about the plan benefits along with relevant number provided for emergencies. You will also receive a hard copy of the original plan identification card and all other necessary documents by regular mail to the address provided while purchasing the policy. However if you cannot buy the coverage online, you can mail or fax us the completed application form along with the payment.

Renewal of Visitor Health Insurance

The visitor medical insurance coverage can be renewed if the visitor extends his/her stay beyond the original policy period. Like the original policy purchase, the renewals can also be completed online prior to the expiration date without lapse. Certain policies require an initial purchase of a minimum of days/months duration for future renewal eligibility.

Suggestions and safe travel tips regarding your visitor insurance policy:

  1. Keep a copy of the insurance card easily accessible to you.
  2. Read the policy details to understand the available benefits and any limits.
  3. Inform the people you are staying with about the insurance policy details.
  4. Keep all relevant telephone numbers and driving directions to the emergency facility in your area easily accessible.

Seeking Medical Care in the U.S.

There are essentially three ways to help you when seeking medical services. The choice of the specific option depends on the condition of the patient.

  1. 911 (Absolute Medical emergency)
  2. Emergency Care
  3. Scheduled Physician appointment

Call 911 for Emergency Health Care

You can call 911 for life threatening situations or when you have no means of getting urgent medical help. Once the call is made help arrives at your doorstep in very little time. The paramedics will check your vitals signs and gather relevant information while transporting you to the emergency facility. Emergency facilities are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Service is provided to all patients irrespective of the visitor health insurance plan they have. The patient has reasonable buffer time to inform the insurance company about the emergency event. If the insured person is not in a position to do so anybody can call and inform the company on the customers behalf.

Emergency Hospitalization and Medical Care

This choice is usually for situations when a patient needs urgent attention, however it is not life threatening and the patient can visit the nearest medical service registered under the insurance companys provider network. You can either call the number given or your insurance ID card or search the providers directory online to find the nearest clinic, urgent care center, or medical facility near you, or go directly to the hospital emergency room.

Prior Doctor’s appointment

This choice is for medical problems that require prior appointment with the doctors office. The customer can call the telephone number on the back of ID coverage card to check if the provider is pithing the plan PPO network. The customer can alternatively confirm if the registered medical offices for that provider are under the insurance PPO network for the plan selected.

Top Visitors Insurance for USA Travel

Below are the visitor insurance suggestions based on age of travelers visiting USA:

Age below 70 years, choice insurance for tourist visiting USA

Ages 70-79 years, top insurance for travel to America

Ages 80+ years, best insurance for relatives/parents visiting USA

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Why Buy Visitors Health Insurance USA?

There are a number of reasons why you may want to purchase a qualified visitors health insurance USA plan for travel to the United States of America. The most common reasons are peace of mind, protection from the unexpected, and concern over losing the financial investment in any short term trip as a visitor to USA.

Some real-life examples that substantiate the reasoning to buy travel medical insurance in general include:

  • You have to cut your trip short because of illness or injury while in USA
  • You have to cancel your nonrefundable trip because a family member had an accident
  • Your flight is delayed overnight because of bad weather, and you need a hotel room
  • Your baggage is lost enroute to your destination or is substantially delayed
  • You miss your cruise departure because of weather-related flight delays
  • You need medical assistance while in USA for an emergency or accidental injury
  • You have an auto accident in a foreign country and need legal assistance
  • You have to cancel a trip because your home is flooded or uninhabitable
  • You can’t get home because of a hurricane, floods or other natural disaster at your destination

All of the above reasons may not be covered in all the plans listed, hence it is important to read the plan brochure and schedule of benefits to review the included coverage offering to determine what is exactly covered. Some of these features may be included in trip cancellation plans also which can be purchased along with a visitor health insurance policy.

Choosing the right visitor medical insurance for you can be difficult. There are certain means online that will aid you in making a decision, help you apply online and complete your purchase. will help you make comparisons on different visitor insurance plans available for USA visitors, which will surely help you choose which plan would suit your standards and needs.

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Visitors Health Insurance for Visiting USA

Visitors health insurance for individuals and families visiting USA is insurance to cover unexpected medical emergencies and health related expenses if you or a family member is sick or injured when visiting USA or traveling outside your home country. Several visitors insurance companies market such visitor medical insurance plans for USA visitors, however these health plans differ from each other in their premium cost and coverage benefits. The visitors health insurance premium cost is based mainly on the type of coverage – fixed benefit coverage or comprehensive coverage, the duration of coverage required, the age and gender of the visitor or traveler and the plan deductible selected. Additionally there is usually an upper limit on the visitors age and few plans will cover adults over the age of 70. Pre-existing conditions are usually not covered by most plans; however some plans provide limited coverage under certain circumstances. These visitor insurance plans are very popular with visitors from India, China, and other South-Asian countries. Travel medical insurance plans designed by private travel health insurance providers in the USA are normally called as visitors health insurance plans. Visitors who are coming from any part of the world to USA can easily compare and buy health insurance for visitors plans online.

Visiting a foreign country is always a thrilling experience for the travel enthusiasts. Travelers from Canada, India, China, Europe, South America, South Africa, etc. visit the USA for various reasons. While residing in the USA for a short term, visitors to USA need to learn many things to get accustomed to the food habits, life style and climate. Moreover, health care system in America is very expensive and an uninsured might be in trouble in case of an emergency. To avoid such disastrous situations. Medical insurance for visitors to USA are framed keeping some of the most common medical requirements of the visitors or new immigrants in the US. Some of the common risks covered under visitor medical insurance plan are coverage for hospitalization expenses, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of mortal remains, accidental death and dismemberment, etc while in America. However, most of the insurance providers will not cover the pre existing medical conditions of the travelers with the exception of a few plans.

US visitors medical insurance is available online for comparison and purchase. Travelers need not have to waste much time shopping for visitor insurance plans online. All they have to do is enter the age group and type of coverage required in the application and compare. Visitor medical insurance compare tool designed by American Visitor insurance is user-friendly and informative. Visitors to USA can evaluate the premium cost, medical benefits, deductibles, plan coverage, etc of various plans offered by prominent insurance providers in America. offers a time saving purchase facility for visitor medical insurance online. Travelers can purchase visitor insurance plans from anywhere across the globe and at any point of time while planning their travel to the USA. The medical coverage of visitor travel insurance USA can begin as early as the next day or as per the date selected by the travelers. Only renewable plans can be extended online if applied prior to the expiry of the coverage period. Buy health insurance for visitors to USA online and travel peacefully least worried about any financial aid in case of a medical emergency.

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Healthcare Tips for Parents Visiting USA

In the golbal village, where travel and living in two or more continents has introduced many parents to travel and living in the USA, some even for the very first time. Here are some healthcare tips for parents visiting usa.

After a long period of waiting and many hours of planning, your family is finally visiting you in the USA. You have planned their travel itinerary and purchased insurance for their stay here. However your family members are visiting you in an alien environment for them. The weather, the food available, the lifestyle is all new to them. Quite often your family members are elderly, and they take some time adjusting to these changes. The following are some suggestions which can keep their visit to the US healthy and safe.

All visitor health insurance USA policies will not cover preventative care or pre-existing medical ailments. You can overcome these limitations in visitor health insurance by having a health check up prior to leaving your home country. This will identify any lurking health issues for which you can take early remedial measures. In the event of an existing medical ailment, it is a good idea to get medications from your home country.

Children are excited to have their parents visit and would like to show their parents as much of the country as possible in a short period of time. You should consider the age factor of the visitors as well as the new environment that they are exposed to. Do not make exhausting travel plans all crammed during the 2-3 day weekend. Do ask the parents about their comfort level with your travel plans.

Read more of  healthcare tips for parents visiting USA.

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Visitors Insurance Terms Used in Brochures

Visitors health insurance terms can be easily confused by the first time visitor to USA or any other nation outside home country. Visitors to USA can read some of the below terms used by many visitor medical insurance plans that cover individuals and/or families that go to USA or elsewhere. A basic understanding of key terminology used in the visitors medical insurance industry goes a long way in selecting the most apt plan to medically protect the guest with exact needed coverage features and benefits in the host country.

Direct Billing or Reimbursement: Most insurance companies will have a PPO network that they have leased. Its always better to go to in-network providers as you will get a must better negotiated rates. Check to see if your expenses are covered up front or if you pay and get reimbursed later.

Medical Evacuation and Repatriation: Most visitor medical insurance policies has medical evacuation coverage included. Coverage for repatriation of mortal remains in the event of death in the host nation is also a benefit that is included in many visitors insurance plans. Check the schedule of benefits table in the plan brochure to determine exact amounts for these included benefits.

Common Carrier Accidental Benefit: Most comprehensive visitor insurance plans offer this benefit whereby if the visitor buys coverage right from the day they depart home country up to the day they return to their homeland, the named beneficiary will be compensated upto the stated amount for any covered in-flight mishap that occurs enroute on the commercial airline.

Hazardous Sports Rider: Find out what hazardous sport activities are covered and weigh that against your recreation plans. This is an optional rider to the policy that you have to opt-in, remember that premium quoted costs will increase by 20% usually if you choose to have coverage for certain sports such as skiing, river rafting, etc. Read the plan brochure for all included sports activities with this rider.

Trip Insurance: If you have planned an expensive trip, make sure to buy trip insurance that will pay if the trip is cancelled for some reason. A good example would be if you have non-refundable flight ticket and you get sick on the day of your flight, the coverage will cover the lost money for the flight.

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Compare Visitor Medical Insurance

Compare Visitor Medical Insurance plans online and buy coverage instantly for your visit to the United States of America (USA) or foreign travel to any country at Visitors medical insurance covers the insured while in a visiting country as a visitor for a short term stay of usually upto a year. Visitor health insurance will supply financial assistance during medical emergencies and can prevent you from insolvency while in the US.

Visitors to the USA should always include visitor medical insurance, visitor health insurance, or, travel medical insurance for their travel plan in order to get emergency financial assistance. Some visitors to United States of America commit the mistake of purchasing insurance from an overseas provider. It is recommended to go with American visitor insurance plans to earn the desirable profits. Most of the reputed medical facilities in the country feel uncomfortable while dealing with foreign patients possessing insurance from an foreign provider. On the other hand, America based visitor insurance makes the billing process easy and fast, thus making the health authorities happy to provide treatment.

If you are visiting the USA, a visitor medical insurance plan is very essential since they will be staying in the USA for a certain period of time. Insurance companies have designed visitors medical insurance plans especially for the visitors to meet their needs and specified coverage for certain risks that can be encountered by the visitors while in America. Some of the risks covered under visitors medical insurance plans are accidental injury, sudden sickness or illness requiring hospitalization, medical evacuation, and repatriation of mortal remains. Visitors can avail cashless settlement of claims in visitors insurance plans offered by some insurers.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Buy Medical Insurance for Visitors to USA

Visitors to USA from any foreign country or outside one’s homeland is always a thrilling experience as it takes them to new places with a whole lot of new sights to see for the travel enthusiasts. Travelers from India and China, and even for other parts of the world, visit the USA for various reasons, many relatives and parents visit USA to be with their close family living here in North America. While residing in the USA even for a short duration as a short-term traveler, one needs to learn many things to get accustomed to the food habits, life style, culture and climate. Moreover, health care system in America is very expensive especially for an uninsured who might be in trouble accessing the right medical care when it comes to an health emergency. To avoid such disastrous situations to one’s personal health as a visitor in USA, many insurance companies in America have designed visitor medical insurance plans to cover their exact needs.

Medical insurance for visitors to USA are designed keeping some of the most common medical requirements of the visitors to USA or new immigrants in the US. Some of the common risks covered under visitor medical insurance plan are coverage for hospitalization expenses, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of mortal remains, accidental death and dismemberment, and a whole lot more while in America. However, most of the insurance providers will not cover the pre existing medical conditions and many plans do not offer routine dental care or vision care benefits.

USA visitors medical insurance is available online for comparison and purchase on Travelers to America need not have to waste much time shopping for visitor insurance plans online as this website feature plans from several providers. All they have to do is enter the age group and type of coverage required and hit the compare button. Visitor medical insurance compare tool designed by is user-friendly and informative. Visitors can evaluate the medical benefits, deductibles, plan coverage options and whole lot more of various plans offered by prominent insurance providers in America.

Visitor Insurance can be easily evaluated in little time and also the purchase facility for visitor medical insurance online is easy to use. Travelers can purchase visitor insurance plans from anywhere across the globe and at any point of time while planning their travel to the USA. The medical coverage for visitors to USA can begin as early as the next day or a future planned date selected. Only renewable visitor insurance plans can be extended online if applied prior to the lapse of the coverage end date. Buy medical insurance for visitors to USA online and travel peacefully to America being least worried about any financial aid in case of a medical emergency.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitors Health Insurance benefits anyone visiting USA

When planning a visit to developed countries such as United States, most travelers would not include a visit to the hospital in the itinerary or during their stay in USA. It is also quite common for U.S. visitors to not factor in the cost of medical expenses in their travel budget. However, if the visitor needs emergency medical care when visiting the United States, it is quite possible for them and/or their immediate family, friends or other caregivers to face the financial burden of the hospital charges and other health related fees. This could force many to have a strain on their finances, and forcing some folks into backruptcy in the extreme situations. Hence it is always prudent to purchase adequate coverage in the form of visitors health insurance to ward off such risks and have a safe and worry-free visit to North America.

Visitors Health Insurance Benefits

The benefits of protection are tremendous and the features obtained in the visitors medical insurance policy depends on the type of policy chosen, a fixed benefit plan that pays claims according to the schedule of benefits as listed in the brochure, or a comprehensive coverage plan where the insurance carrier pays most medical conditions upto the plan maximum benefit chosen by the insured. The term of plan is usally the policy duration, which would be for the duration of the visitors travel to USA, sprecifically from the date of arrival in the United States to the date of departure from American soil. Benefits of visitors health insurance commonly include consultation or doctors fees, hospitalization costs, medical bills, medications prescribed to treat injury or illness, medical reunion and evacuation charges, accidental death and dismemberment coverage, laboratory fees, emergency room charges, and much more.

Visitors Health Insurance Costs

When one purchases a qualified visitors health insurance plan for anyone visiting USA, they incur the plan quoted costs in the form of premiums. The premium that the insured will have to pay for this privilege would be based on the type of emergency that you want to protect themselves against. Normally, the coverage is responsible for almost every medical situation that may arise as a tourist to travel in USA with a U.S. visitor visa. In some cases, you should pay a percentage of the immediate medical costs and the insurance company would pay the rest of the medical bill. It is always advised to read the associated plan brochure and be certain as to how much you pay before purchasing any visitor insurance plan.