Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

You have friends, relatives, or parents visiting you in the United States of America, or you yourself may be planning a visit outside your home country. You are also well aware that your current domestic health insurance policy will most likely not cover visitors medical costs for injury or sickness while traveling to any country across national borders. But the risk of health emergency needing urgent hospitalization and the need for access to health care does not go away, on the contrary, there is an increased need as visiting individuals and families travel more and hence the risk of any medical calamity increases. This solidifies the reason for buying visitor insurance coverage for parents visiting USA or for relatives traveling outside home country.

Need for Visitor Medical Insurance for Visiting USA

Now that we are clear on the message of why we need to buy visitor medical insurance, let us dig further on what type of visitor health insurance plan to choose and how much visitor insurance coverage maximum benefit to actually purchase to be adequately protected. There are broadly two types of visitor insurance policies, the low cost fixed or scheduled benefit plans and more affordable comprehensive coverage plans. The fixed benefits plans as their name indicates limit the costs that will be reimbursed for each medical condition as set forth in the schedule of benefits table in the policy brochure. On the other end, comprehensive coverage policies do no typically limit coverage amounts specifically for most medical conditions, and usually offers coverage up to the plan maximum selected at the time of purchase. Generally, senior parents falling in the 50 years to 70 years age bracket typically need the features of a comprehensive visitor insurance plan such as Atlas America Insurance or Patriot America Plus. Budget conscious travelers who cannot afford the premiums of comprehensive plans can fall back on fixed benefit plans to offer them the required protection for medical bills and health risks.

Buy Visitor Insurance for Visiting USA

Coming to amount of coverage to purchase, this is totally based on the visitors risk profile and how much can they weather in the event a medical emergency. Another point to be factored in this the costs of hospitalization, even for a day or two, and how fast medical and related costs can ramp up typically in a dire health scenario. No one can accurately says this much is enough or that much amount is too high, but a visitor to the USA could typically select USD 100,000 maximum benefit. If your budget permits a higher premium amount, higher maximums are available with the Patriot Platinum America plan offering up to USD 8 million coverage. Also, by selecting a higher deductible amount, visitors can typically lower the upfront quoted premium costs.

Visitor Insurance Services can help has many visitor insurance coverage plans from several providers based in the US that offer a wide range of options and featured benefits. Compare visitor medical insurance