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Visitors Insurance and Tips for Choosing the Best Plan

All visitors to USA and elsewhere outside one’s home country do warrant the medical protection with a visitor’s insurance policy. These visitor insurance plans offer coverage for unexpected accident or even routine sickness while as a visitor in the United States or any foreign nation outside home country.

There are many plans available from multiple US based visitor insurance providers, and choosing the best visitor insurance coverage is always not an easy task. One can be barraged by tons of information overload but still remain confused about what plan would best suit you as visitor. Sometimes it is the children making this choice as they purchase a visitor insurance for parents visiting USA and any other country.

Firstly, be aware that all available visitor coverage plans are broadly classified as low-cost fixed or scheduled benefit plans, and on the other side is affordable comprehensive coverage plans. The main difference between these two types is that the fixed benefit plans follow limits as indicated in the schedule of benefits in the policy brochure, and hence are the cheaper visitor insurance to buy. But when it comes to the features and benefits included, cheaper is not always better in terms of well rounded travel medical insurance for visitors to USA. Comparing and picking the best visitor insurance plan is a subjective matter and the insurance agent can help in selecting the best visitor insurance policy suited specifically for your coverage needs.

A comprehensive visitor insurance coverage policy on the other hand covers most medical conditions up to the plan maximum benefit selected at the time of purchase, with certain policy also offering to cover each distinct accident or medical incident up to the policy maximum picked again at the time of enrollment via online application.

Generally, if the policy if for older visitors to the US, the need the benefits and features included in compressive visitor insurance and this makes a lot of sense for them to subscribe to one of these plans. For cost conscious travelers who are limited by a budget, the lower priced fixed benefit plans may offer a better deal when compared with having no insurance coverage at all. Even those who pick comprehensive visitor insurance policies can substantially lower the upfront premium costs by selecting a plan with a higher deductible, which is accumulated before the plan can start reimbursing the visitor for eligible medical costs.

Finally, what is most important is to understand the importance of visitor medical insurance for visitors to USA, knowing that the cost of care in a medical emergency or hospitalization is high, especially when compared to similar costs from India, China or other nations. Also, access to the required care is severely jeopardized when one is not enrolled in a visitor health insurance policy. Know this, it is wise and prudent to always purchase the best visitor insurance for the entire duration of travel outside the visitors home country, and all the more of heightened importance of the visitor is traveling to USA as a destination of short term stay.

Below are the best visitor insurance plan suggestions based on age of visitors visiting USA:

Age below 70 years, best visitor insurance coverage for visitors to USA

Ages 70-79 years, best visitor insurance coverage for visitors to USA

Ages 80+ years, best visitor insurance coverage for visitors to USA

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Buy Medical Insurance for Visitors to USA

Visitors to USA from any foreign country or outside one’s homeland is always a thrilling experience as it takes them to new places with a whole lot of new sights to see for the travel enthusiasts. Travelers from India and China, and even for other parts of the world, visit the USA for various reasons, many relatives and parents visit USA to be with their close family living here in North America. While residing in the USA even for a short duration as a short-term traveler, one needs to learn many things to get accustomed to the food habits, life style, culture and climate. Moreover, health care system in America is very expensive especially for an uninsured who might be in trouble accessing the right medical care when it comes to an health emergency. To avoid such disastrous situations to one’s personal health as a visitor in USA, many insurance companies in America have designed visitor medical insurance plans to cover their exact needs.

Medical insurance for visitors to USA are designed keeping some of the most common medical requirements of the visitors to USA or new immigrants in the US. Some of the common risks covered under visitor medical insurance plan are coverage for hospitalization expenses, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of mortal remains, accidental death and dismemberment, and a whole lot more while in America. However, most of the insurance providers will not cover the pre existing medical conditions and many plans do not offer routine dental care or vision care benefits.

USA visitors medical insurance is available online for comparison and purchase on Travelers to America need not have to waste much time shopping for visitor insurance plans online as this website feature plans from several providers. All they have to do is enter the age group and type of coverage required and hit the compare button. Visitor medical insurance compare tool designed by is user-friendly and informative. Visitors can evaluate the medical benefits, deductibles, plan coverage options and whole lot more of various plans offered by prominent insurance providers in America.

Visitor Insurance can be easily evaluated in little time and also the purchase facility for visitor medical insurance online is easy to use. Travelers can purchase visitor insurance plans from anywhere across the globe and at any point of time while planning their travel to the USA. The medical coverage for visitors to USA can begin as early as the next day or a future planned date selected. Only renewable visitor insurance plans can be extended online if applied prior to the lapse of the coverage end date. Buy medical insurance for visitors to USA online and travel peacefully to America being least worried about any financial aid in case of a medical emergency.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitor Insurance for Visitors to USA

Visitors insurance is one of the best ways available for foreign nationals as visitors to USA to obtain health coverage and medical protection necessary, making their travel to America safe and worry-free. Travelers from any part of the world visiting USA must purchase insurance for visitors to USA to deal with the high cost of health care system here in USA. The US consulate recommends all travelers to the United States to purchase adequate visitor health insurance for USA visitors. The visitors insurance cannot guarantee financial assistance in every case, but a broad array of sickness/injury including medical emergency is covered during the duration of stay. US insurance companies have custom designed visitor insurance for USA visitors of all age groups and nationalities.

How Visitor Insurance Plan Works

Visitors who purchase visitor medical insurance while travelling to the USA need to be aware how the plan works. The visitors insurance plan purchased will be legitimate and would be good at any doctor or hospital in the US or anywhere outside the insureds home country. That said, it will be up to the doctor or hospital whether they will deal directly with the visitors insurance company or make you submit the visitors insurance claim. What could have happened is the client wished to have direct billing and no provider would do so. A call to the insurance company may have solved this issue. The refusal to direct bill could be for several reasons, but most likely because they will likely not have heard of the particular policy or IPA network of practitioners the client visited for care, since they likely do not get many non-US citizens or residents in their offices. However, they may have heard of the PPO network used by the company (we often try to point this out to our clients) and we are not sure if the client used these lists or if there were such providers in their area. Even after these actions, some provider may not want to do direct billing, in which case you can file a claim with the insurance provider.

Need for Visitors Insurance Coverage

When planning a trip to the United States, it is essential that USA visitors or international travelers to America have a qualified visitor insurance for USA plan in case of illness, medical emergency or an accident/sickness in USA. offers many choices for short-term coverage with low prices, best benefits, in different coverage categories, all supported with extensive online resources and exceptional customer service.

Best Visitor Insurance USA

Below are the visitor insurance suggestions based on age of travelers visiting USA:
Age below 70 years, choice of insurance plans for tourist visiting USA

Ages 70-79 years, top insurance for travel to America

Ages 80+ years, best insurance for relatives/parents visiting USA

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

US Visitor Insurance is Best for USA visitors

US visitor insurance is a short-term travel medical insurance which provides with coverage for visitors to USA or travelers outside home country, available for a duration of few days up to a year and more. Medical care in the US is generally not affordable by all, especially when the cost of care is high and even a days stay at the hospital can run in the tens of thousands. It is not possible to bear the medical expenses on our own in an health emergency, this makes it important to have visitors insurance for relatives and parents visiting USA, Canada or any other host country.

Once you decide on a specific medical insurance for visitors to USA, the same can be purchased online using a credit card. Travelers or their friends and relatives can purchase visitor insurance plans online by following simple steps online. The coverage of the plan can begin as early as the following day after the completion of online transaction. The insurance document and ID card with proof of coverage will be sent to the email address specified by the visitors at the time of purchase and applying.

US visitor insurance offers medical insurance for visitors to USA are designed by several insurance companies and understanding the difference can be difficult for travelers and to help visitors get a quote and evaluate them before making a purchase. has developed a user friendly compare facility to review different plans on one screen in an objective manner. Complete a simple online application and get quotes to evaluate different plans before making a final choice. Travelers can quickly review and compare medical benefits, coverage period, premium costs, deductibles, co-insurance, exclusions, etc.

Learn well all the the ins and out before buying visitors health insurance for travel to USA. You should buy what you need, plans with the best coverage benefits instead of buying something cheaper and policies in US gives you this advantage. is highly regarded by customers for its excellent, reputable products, its guaranteed low prices and its efficient and effective customer care. offers professional one-stop shop for your visitors insurance needs with quality products, quality business practices and quality service.

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Health Insurance for US Visitors

Do you have close family or friends living in the United States of America that you want to meet them during your visit to the US? Or perhaps you simply would like to visit the U.S. just for holiday and travel the different places and sightseeing places it has to offer. Either way and regardless of your reason for visiting, the U.S. is always a popular destination for all travelers and visitors especially during spring time and later summer season. If you have a plan to visit the USA make sure that you are insured under a reliable and economical plan offering health insurance for US visitors.

Much like the western countries, the United States has a privatized health care system, where insurance companies offer various medical plans that people must enroll and provide their own payment for medical care than relying on the government to subsidize health care. Visitor health insurance is the solution offered specifically for non-US citizens visiting USA and applicable only for the duration of stay while in America. Even though you might have the best private out of country health insurance, these plans typically do not offer coverage for travel outside national borders and will not have any value for a visitor to USA. Visitors medical insurance policies fill this need gap and are only applicable to visitors to USA or any other nation outside home, offering benefits for emegency medical care and more for a health crisis occurring in the USA or other country while as a visitor.

By purchasing a qualified visitors medical insurance plan from a US based insurance provider helps meets the health requirement of the visitors to the US. Visitor medical insurance covers the cost of doctor’s visits, hospitalization, and prescription drugs, repatriation, and a whole lot more. Visitors to USA can evaluate different offered plans by making use of compare visitor medical insurance tool online at Many plans offering high-quality healthcare are available and offer affordable alternative covering unforeseen illness or injury that occurs for someone during their stay in the US. Not only does this offer the visitor the peace of mind, it gives them access to seek the right health care when needed and only have to pay reasonable medical cost.

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Health Insurance for Visitors to U.S.

Although health care as a visitor in the United States can seem extremely costly, health insurance for visitors to US is an essential expense that you can’t ignore if you are planning a visit to the United States. When you are uninsured as a visitor to USA, you can quickly put your finances in jeopardy with no solution to fix them, if you have any major medical expenses. It’s best to have visitors health insurance so you can avoid this kind of problem.

There are many visitor insurance companies offering a bevy of visitor insurance plans that provide health insurance for visitors to US. Visitors medical insurance typically provides coverage for sickness or injury for yourself or parents or relatives visiting the United States, but remember these plans will not offer wellness benefits including physical check-up, health gym memberships, annual check ups, yoga classes, programs to help you stop smoking, promotions to help you lose weight, healthy eating classes, and flu shots. Always review the schedule of benefits to evaluate the exact coverage benefits included in your visitors insurance plan.

This cannot be mentioned enough – make sure you have read all the brochure and other documents that are a part of your visitors health insurance policy, and make sure you completely understand what services you have covered and which are not. It can be costly if you see a doctor that is out of the network if you plan is part of a preferred provider network (PPO). It makes sense to review the doctors, hospitals and other providers who are part of the PPO network and also in the local zip code where you will be visiting in the US.

When purchasing visitors health insurance, think about a group travel medical insurance if you are a group of 5 or more visitors to USA, related to each other or not. A group travel medical insurance should be cheaper than an individual visitor insurance policy, even though you get the same exact benefits as the individual plans. If you are part of employer based group visiting USA, various trade groups, alumni associations, other organizations, or just a bigger family members group, a group visitors health insurance is the way to go for cheaper visitors insurance.

As you can see, even though it is a complex area you can understand a lot about visitors health insurance. Dedicate a bit of time to educating yourself as a a visitor to USA. Once you’ve educated yourself, it’ll be easier to make better decisions regarding visitors health insurance, be it for yourself, your family, your relatives and parents visiting you in USA.

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Visitor Medical Insurance for Visitors Visiting USA

Visitor Medical Insurance plans are available for all visitors from outside the United States who visit the USA for a short-term duration and require travel medical coverage for that period of visit. There are several visitors health insurance plans to choose from, many from top rated US based providers. It is not possible to compare two plans solely on cost; there are different features in visitors insurance plans that make each plan different. It is important understand the visitor travel insurance plan benefits and details before you purchase a plan.

  1. Comprehensive plans and Fixed benefit plans: This is a big difference between plans. Comprehensive plans are more expensive than the fixed benefit plans. Comprehensive plans provide coverage up to the policy maximum. For expenses up to the plan limit out of pocket expenses are capped to the deductible and the co insurance. Fixed benefit plans have certain pre set maximum that will be paid for each eligible expense. A policy that offers a total $100,000 benefit may have a limit of $2000 for surgery, $500 for x rays, lab work etc.
  2. Plan Limit or Plan Maximum: The price of a plan also depends on the maximum amount the plan will pay for all claims for the insured. A plan that offers maximum 50K coverage will be cheaper than one that offers 100K coverage. Some plans may offer per incident/per injury maximum and some offer a maximum coverage for the entire policy period.
  3. Policy Deductible: Visitor medical insurance plans can have deductibles from $0 to above $2500. All expenses incurred up to the deductible amount chosen must be paid by the insured before any payment is made by the insurance company. Plans with high deductibles are often cheaper than those with low deductibles. It should not be confused with a co-payment that is common in US health insurance plans.
  4. Co-Insurance: It is the percentage of the covered medical expense that the insured must pay. For example if the plan has an 80/20 co insurance rate, the insurance plan pays 80% of the eligible expenses and the rest is paid by the insured. Premiums can vary widely depending on the co insurance of the plan. Sometimes the co insurance applies only up to a certain pre defined cumulative medical expense amount. Beyond that amount eligible expenses are covered 100%.
  5. Pre existing Condition Coverage: While coverage is usually not available for pre existing conditions, it is still prudent to find out how pre existing conditions are defined by the insurance company. Some plans will exclude coverage only for those conditions that the insured knew about and was receiving treatment before the start date of the insurance. Some others may exclude all those conditions that may have begun before the start of the plan even if the person had no knowledge of the condition.

Quote, compare, review, rate, and buy/purchase a visitor medical insurance plan instantly online today on, no medical check-up is required.

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Health Insurance for Visitors to USA

Visitors Medical Insurance provides health insurance for visitors to USA including relatives or parents visiting USA and other countries. Travel can be a wonderful experience, provided you are not unfortunate enough to become ill or suffer an accident that is. If you travel outside your own country, and do not have adequate visitors medical insurance, it could turn out to be one of the biggest mistakes in your life. Not only could it end up costing as much as a condo, it may even put your health and well being into serious jeopardy. Today, visitors insurance has never been so easy to find, or affordable, so why take the risk of USA or international travel without visitors health insurance?

Visitors Health Insurance USA

What‘s covered by USA visitor insurance policies can cover a range of types of treatment. Primarily, your concern should be whether consultations, urgent care or emergency treatment is included. Consultations refer to visiting a medical practitioner, usually, at a medical center. Urgent care involves more serious conditions, like a fever, a bad cut or even a fracture. Anything which needs medical attention quickly.  Emergency treatment means any medical condition considered life threatening or any illness which could cause permanent physical damage, if treatment was delayed. As would be the case with a heart attack, stroke or any serious accident.

Visitor medical insurance USA is mandatory in case of USA or international travel to a foriegn country outside home country. It is also advisable in case of domestic travel within home country. Immediate and appropriate medical attention in case of emergency is the chief reason behind visitor health insurance, which can be purchased easily online. There are various benefits that are present among the policies offered by the insurance companies that make them imperative among all age groups of travelers.

Benefits of Visitors Health Insurance

The nature of benefits that are offered by the visitors insurance companies are not only useful but also essential for any visitor or traveler going on a USA or foreign visit and for a worry-free stay there. Some of these benefits include:

  • Medical evacuation – in case of non-availability of specific or adequate medical services in an area patient will be transported by any means (including air transfer) to a place where appropriate and immediate medical attention can be provided.
  • Coverage of treatments and medicines – all medical expenses including those incurred by expensive medicines will be provided for by the insurance coverage.
  • Cashless medical treatments – the treatment will not require any immediate payment of cash deposits in hospitals. Insurance cover will take care of it all.
  • Surgeries and Dental treatments – apart from medical attention insurance coverage also extends to surgical attention if deemed necessary at the time. In case of facial accident needing  dental surgery, visitor insurance also covers dental treatments.
  • Hospital arrangements – all hospital arrangements are made by the insurance companies. These arrangements are made in medically renowned places where modern facilities and experienced doctors are available.