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Visitors Insurance, buy from India or USA?

If your relatives or parents are traveling from India to USA, a good question asked by many is whether to buy visitor insurance from India or from USA. The answer is not simple and many factors are needed to be considered before making an informed choice. At first review, many Indian-based insurance companies may present a considerable cheaper visitor insurance India quotes for a plan with same specifications; however, several other issues are necessary consideration when purchasing visitor medical insurance from an Indian or other foreign based company.

To help you navigate and make an informed choice of where to buy – India or USA, a review of the the important considerations when selecting visitors insurance are discussed below:
1. Coverage Acceptability: The prime reason to purchase a good visitor insurance for elder relatives or parents visiting USA is to have the necessary benefits and features accepted and available for use at USA based hospitals, emergency rooms, urgent care centers, physician doctor clinics or other care giver settings. If this fundamental acceptability is questioned or disputed by these healthcare providers in the case of out-of-country plans such as Indian visitor insurance, you might have to run pillar to post to prove the credibility. American visitor insurance plans are widely accepted by providers in the US and worldwide.
2. Regulatory Jurisdiction: This is a very important consideration in the event of a disputed claim. The insurance regulatory environment is not developed in India compared to the United States, whereby you as an aggrieved consumer might not get the necessary support from Indian insurance regulators, whereas US-based insurance providers are fully regulated and any claim related disputes are handled as set by rules. Further, Indian insurance regulations might not be able to protect your rights as an insured when you are traveling in a US jurisdiction. A USA based insurance company can be a better choice, since it is regulated by robust and time-tested U.S. insurance regulations.
3. Limited benefit plans: Most of the Indian visitor insurance providers offer limited or fixed benefit coverage visitor insurance plans, whereas USA based plan providers feature comprehensive coverage with a choice of plans to select from.
4. Cashless Direct Billing: With India based plans, a USA based hospital or doctor mostly do not recognize foreign insurance plans for treatment or care received in the United States. As such, cashless direct billing feature typically included in USA based plans is not available in India based plans, and you might be required to pay upfront and file the claim later with your insurance provider in India for reimbursement. However, claim processing in India is very slow and inefficient due to administrative and other difficulties, leaving you waiting a long time to get your money back.
5. Customer case and support: If you need immediate assistance with regards to confirming your enrollment or even if a certain procedure or condition is covered or not, connecting with customer support of an Indian insurance provider might be difficult as many do not offer 24/7 support which is further limited by different time zones. Being in the US time zone helps as doctors or hospitals can quickly get the question answered and confirming your policy. This could further delay care at the time of need.
6. Plan Renewability: USA visitor insurance plans can be renewed online prior to expiration, and most Indian insurance providers do not offer renewable policies. It is very important to renew the insurance plan if your parent or relative extends his or her stay in America.
7. Policy Cancellation: USA based plan are generally cancelable prior to expiration due to valid reason such as a family members return to India earlier than anticipated. Many Indian plans are not cancellable or refundable, leading to losing the premium costs incurred to purchase the policy.
8. Company Experience: Many of the US based visitor insurance providers have been offering the same plans for decades, they have built tremendous knowledge with regards to the plan features, claims handling, customer support. On the other hand, Indian insurance providers are relatively new to the field, they might not be able to provide you with comparable support.

With a through review of each of the above mentioned points, it is prudent and strongly recommended you to purchase a reputed USA-based visitors insurance for travel to USA. Always review and buy the best travel insurance for visitors to USA from a US based provider as all claims are handled in the United States only. has several comprehensive coverage and cost-effective plans that allow you to enjoy your visit while traveling outside home country, and provide the necessary peace of mind knowing that you are protected for costs encountered during travel medical emergencies.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitor Insurance: Get Plan Quotes and Buy Coverage Online

If you are planning to visit USA or travel across national borders to any overseas destination anytime in the near future, you need to make sure that purchasing a visitor insurance plan for the entire duration of stay outside your home country is of utmost priority and should be at the top of your planning list. In life, there is hardly anything that counts more important than your health, or even the health of a family member such as relatives or parents visiting you, or the traveler could also be a business partner who needs to visit America for a short-term duration.

Visitor Insurance Plan for Visiting USA

When considering to purchase a visitor insurance plan, consider the expertise of an insurance agent from There are many visitor insurance providers that offer a bevy of travel medical and visitor health insurance plan offerings, you want to make sure that the policy you select includes all the features that you require and also within your set budget. Many insurance provider companies offer comprehensive visitor insurance plans that include health coverage along with other types of added travel benefits that is included in the same policy.

Visitors Insurance Coverage for Visiting USA

It also makes sense to review specific plans for specific types of travel circumstances, such as policies for visitors to USA, international students, guest workers, leisure travelers, etc. Be sure to find out if the plan will cover your specific circumstances and the visa type you are traveling under. Also check if the visitor insurance coverage policy may include any required coverage such as for complications in pregnancy, coverage for your children, or treatment for pre-existing conditions during an acute or sudden relapse. If you are going on a long trip, you may also consider a visitor insurance plan that offer access to preventative check-ups and possibly dental or mental health coverage.

Buy Visitors Insurance for Visiting USA

Before final purchase of any particular visitor insurance plan, make sure you understand all the fine print and details abould plan exclusions and policy features as stated in the schedule of benefits. Also make sure that the visitor insurance plan covers all the visiting countries, along with list of providers who will honor the insurance in case of a medical emergency. Make a note about set maximum amounts for medical evacuation and treatment needed for severe accidents or routine illnesses. Finally, determine if the third party plan administrator is easily reachable if you need to communicate, even across national borders, various time zones, or different language barriers.

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Visitors to USA Always Need Medical Insurance

Visitors to USA travel medical insurance plans sometimes referred to as visitor medical insurance or visitor health insurance plans is ideal coverage for anyone planning to visit USA and can be purchased before entering the U.S. or anytime even during the middle of a trip in America. These plans offer medical health protection for accidents and sickness as a visitor in America for a short term duration.

Medical emergency is a situation when a life-threatening medical condition existed or a new condition or accident that has caused this situation. The lack of medical attention would endanger the visitors health, and always requires urgent immediate medical treatment or has painful symptoms requiring the visiting parent or relieve to suffering or discomfort. Many visitors to USA travel insurance plans focus on providing coverage for your medical expenses resulting from sudden illness or injuries during your trip, with many policies covering trips from seven days to 3 years.You can reduce the financial risk of unforeseen accidents or medical emergencies by buying visitor medical insurance.

Many insurers have offered the option of purchasing a visitor insurance online and this can get very misleading for many people because they thought that they can get immediate visitor health insurance coverage online. You should be aware that Visitor Medical Insurance policies may establish a certain waiting period before it covers pre-existing conditions which are health problems you had before you bought the insurance.

Many people find that understanding visitors medical insurance can be a challenging process because there are numerous insurers with many different kind of plans, different deductibles, various coverage options and restrictions. Purchasing a plan that caters to your needs is not always easy. You can actually make your decision making process easier by taking advantage of the tools offered by the insurers’ website. It can help you to compare all major insurance plans, get free instant travel quotes and purchase a plan that best meets your specific needs.

If you think a visitors insurance plan is not low-cost, you can save money on Visitor Health Insurance by comparing several plans separately from your visitor health insurance program. Visitor Medical Insurance is ideal for tourists to US, for parents and other family members visiting the United States. The medical expenses as a visitor to USA can be very high especially when it involves hospitalization or medical evacuation. carries several visitor insurance plans from the top-rated USA leading provider of Visitors Medical Insurance and Visitor Health Insurance coverage that offers comprehensive insurance solutions for USA visitors and travelers worldwide.

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Visitor Insurance the Quick and Easy Way

Visitor insurance is a necessary purchase for all travel outside home country, this is especially true if you have people traveling to USA. In the the United States, the cost of health care is high and lacking visitor medical insurance can lead to frustration and real danger to one’s health in a medical emergency. If parents or relatives are traveling to the United States, one should always consider purchasing visitor medical insurance policy to provide coverage and protection in the event of a medical emergency, or due to a sickness or injury.

Visitor insurance can be purchased for own self or behalf of anyone else, and this can be done from anywhere in the world. When reviewing and comparing all the insurance plans available for visitors, it may be tempting to buy a cheaper policy from one’s home country. But after careful consideration and thoughtful comparison, is goes without saying and always recommended to purchase visitor insurance from a US-based provider. The reasoning behind this is that as the consumer, you are better protected as the plans are monitored by the various Insurance departments, and also better superior claims support is available when you actually use the plan. Also American doctors and hospitals prefer US-based plans and are more likely to be familiar with the rules and regulations of USA visitor insurance plans and accept them more readily than overseas policies.

If you are unfamiliar with the health care system in the United States, you may be wondering if you need to get a medical check-up or what medical records to turn in. No information on previous medical history is required and can help you go about purchasing visitor health insurance easily online. Visitors medical insurance information is abundant on the world wide web, but this is one website that organizes and provides same in easy to search interface. Here we will answer frequently asked questions in regards to the purchase a visitors insurance policy. There are many things to consider before purchasing visitors medical insurance. Your own medical history must be taken into account as well as any anticipated health related needs while traveling to America. Be sure to carefully compare several available visitor insurance plan choices as well as the details in the brochure and quoted premiums of the policies before making your final decision.

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Visitor Medical Insurance for Travel Health Coverage in USA

Visitors medical insurance for travel health coverage in USA is essential. Visitors travel to USA for a short duration of stay from all over the world for many reasons – business and personal. Health care in United States has seen constant increases in the medical costs, which puts individuals and families visiting USA at risk. Travelers who leave their host country should be aware that an medical emergency can leave them in a state of uninsured insolvency with dire financial consequences. It is important to consider purchasing visitor medical insurance when planning to visit the USA from India, China or any other country. It is important to purchase visitors health insurance in the USA for a few key reasons:

  • Healthcare Costs: The cost of healthcare in the United States can be extremely expensive. Without insurance, even a minor medical procedure or illness can result in significant out-of-pocket expenses. Visitors health insurance can help cover the costs of medical care in case of illness or injury during your stay in the USA.
  • Coverage Requirements: Some countries require visitors to have health insurance coverage before they can obtain a visa or enter the country. In the USA, certain types of visas also require visitors to have health insurance coverage.
  • Limited Access to Public Health Programs: Visitors to the USA typically do not have access to public health programs like Medicare or Medicaid. Visitors health insurance can provide a safety net and help ensure that visitors have access to the medical care they need during their stay.
  • Peace of Mind: Having visitors health insurance can provide peace of mind and help visitors avoid the stress and worry of potential medical costs. It can also give visitors the assurance that they will receive appropriate medical care in case of an emergency.

To put it simply, purchasing a good proper visitors health insurance in the USA is an important step to help protect yourself from potentially high healthcare costs and ensure that you have access to the medical care you need during your stay.

With the current high expenses for medical bills in the United States, it is important for visitors to the U.S. to be insured by visitor medical insurance during their stay. No one is entirely certain of what life brings on a day to day basis and every precaution to ensure safety and medical expenses should be taken when vacationing away from home. Visiting a different country exposes you to different environments and climates which can have effects on your immune system or other medical conditions.

Medical evacuation and repatriation benefits are an essential element of visitor health insurance. The medical evacuation process is how the plan works with members to meet all prescribed requirements of the attending physicians and also to help with making travel arrangements for relatives who may accompany them. With medical evacuation benefit, the visitor insurance coverage helps in moving the care to a home country hospital in cases of prolonged illness or bed ridden state in the visiting country.

Visitor health insurance plans for visitors to USA are available as fixed benefit visitors insurance and comprehensive coverage visitor insurance policies. Certain visitors insurance plans also offer visitor insurance for pre existing conditions. You will also have a choice of finding your specific needs for the coverage and deductible you will need. Enrollment for visitor medical insurance is easy via a simple application process with no paperwork or medical check-up requirement, and is available to anyone traveling outside his or her homeland for from 5 days or more.

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Visitor Insurance for Travel Medical Coverage

Quoting, applying and buying a visitor medical insurance is an important step in the travel planning process, especially if you are travelling to America or any other nation outside your home country. The reasoning behind this important recommendation is simply put that with a good visitor insurance policy to back your health in the event of an emergency injury or sickness, you will not be stressed out about the medical care and the consequences of not having enough funds to pay for it. This will help you enjoy your stay in the United States to the fullest, making good of the time spent with family or friends, and even visiting places and exploring the sights and culture that America has to offer.

Visitor health insurance aids by taking care of the medical bill payments for all your eligible medical costs, in case you fall ill or meet with any accident while in the USA. Some may question the validity of such a plan and the required premium payment that binds the policy to the insured, but it is also prudent and wise to remember that no one can with any certainty predict when such a health mishap will occur to them or their family member. Without the financial protection of a visitor medical policy, you could have to face acute monetary difficulties, since health care is incredibly expensive in America. Furthermore, without being part of a plan, you could also jeopardize your health without access to the right medical care in the urgent hour of need. Visitor insurance helps you gain access to some of the best doctors, hospitals, laboratories, and other caregivers, inside or outside PPO networks.

When it comes to plan choices, there are many of visitor insurance providers based in the US who offer a wide array of plans to meet every budget and coverage requirements. can help you pick out a plan offering US visitor insurance and suiting your demands and budgetary needs. When shortlisting visitor insurance plans for purchase, you can use the compare visitor insurance tool to ideally consider all the pros and cons of each plan along with the costs. A fixed benefit plan offers lower premium costs, but the medical benefits are also capped per the schedule of benefits too. Comprehensive coverage plans typically cover up to the plan maximum coverage benefit selected at the time of purchase.

Atlas America Insurance is one popular plan that helps to cover all medical costs for the insured in emergencies or routine sickness, adding coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions. Patriot America Plus Insurance is another plan that offers comprehensive benefits for visitors to USA and uses a widely accessible PPO network. Patriot America Plus also covers up to the selected policy maximum and also offer pre-existing condition coverage per the plan brochure. Safe Travels USA Comprehensive plan is suited for the 80+ year old age group offer higher coverage in that age bracket.

The visitors medical insurance programs certified by major U.S. insurer firms are made available for foreigners travelling under tourist, business or student visas awarded by the U.S. Department of State. There are visitors health insurance plans for green card holders, those staying under H1B or H4 visa permits, J1 and J2 scholars F1 student visa holders, missionaries and global visitors and foreign people on short-term visa. For vacationers like those visiting their families or parents visiting their children, a tourist medical insurance is critical and should be always subscribed. To buy any travel medical insurance policy with USA coverage, you do not need to produce any documents or undergo any medical tests. reduce the risk of being without any medical coverage, quote and apply for a visitors health insurance plan today and be safe as you travel to America or travelling outside their home country.

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Parents visiting USA need to buy Visitor Medical Insurance

If you are planning for your parents to visit you especially here in the United States of America (USA), then you need to prepare yourself to buy your parents a good visitor medical insurance plan also. The medical treatments and expenses in developed nations such as the U.S. are very high and while visiting such a place one must ensure that one is suitably covered by a visitor health insurance well in advance. This will save your parents from getting into financial trouble in case of emergencies.

Parents Visitor Insurance

If you are residing in the USA and have your parents visiting this summer in the USA, have all documents in place especially parents visitor insurance cover. While in the USA, your parents might fall sick or get hospitalized for minor injuries and a proper medical insurance can always save you from the verge of insolvency and help you pay the medical bills. It is always advisable to be on the safer side for the aged parents while visiting a developed country like America.

Visitor Medical Insurance for Parents

Parents visiting USA, get them visitor medical insurance to cover them for health and medical emergencies. Once the traveler leaves his or her home country and lands in the USA he/she will be considered as a visitor. Visitors staying in the USA cannot afford to stay uninsured since the health care system is very expensive in the United States of America. Private insurance providers have designed visitors medical insurance plans to suit the health insurance requirements and needs of the visitors or new immigrants. Visitors can purchase visitors medical insurance online even after reaching the U.S.

Medical Insurance for Parents Visiting USA

To ease the headache of shopping for visitor medical insurance all the plans are available online for comparison and purchase instantly. Visitor insurance for parents is specially designed for senior parents and in-laws and other older relatives who are aged, by private insurance companies in the USA to provide coverage for parents belonging to various age groups. Travelers living in this information dominated lifestyle can shop for visitor insurance and make a purchase of the plan of their choice online.

Health Insurance for Parents Visiting USA

Parents visitors medical insurance plan can be purchase by anyone sitting wherever in the world. There is an online purchase facility for visitor medical insurance plans. Travelers can quickly complete an online application and enroll to the plan of their choice and travel peacefully. The premium cost of visitor insurance for parents can be paid online using a credit card. The coverage of the plan purchased online can begin as early as the following day, visit today to explore coverage benefits!

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Visitor Medical Insurance for Relatives Visiting USA

Visitor Medical Insurance provides travel health and emergency medical coverage for parents and other family members and relatives visiting you in USA, your internationally residing relatives, or traveling to any foreign destination. With the protection of visitors medical insurance, your relatives, especially elderly mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, etc. and other relatives such as grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin, etc, who are visiting USA, can embark on their travel to the United States of America (USA) or to any foreign country without any worry of medical emergency nagging their mind, hence they can be stress-free from such worries.

Hundreds of millions of people visit the United States from several nations worldwide each year. A good many of these visitors get injured, hurt, or contract some illness during their stay in the U.S., and many of them carry no visitors insurance coverage and hence are without a means to pay for medical services for the health care they so urgently need. Unfortunately, being unable to pay for your medical coverage puts a monetary strain on the host country government, the hospital, and the people in your family. Nobody wants to carry that burden with them when they can carry visitors medical insurance and pay for medical expenses using  the insurance cover.

Travel health insurance is relevant to those traveling to USA or any nation abroad as well as those undertaking domestic travel within the country. Medicare and most domestic health insurance plans do not offer the required protection while one is overseas in a foreign country. Visitors health insurance is very important no matter which country citizenship you hold and which you are visiting. If you get injured or sick while visiting family, they are left with the burden of not only physically caring for you, but also the financial burden of paying for your health care bills for the medical expenses incurred. If you carry visitors health insurance, you can relieve them of that extra financial burden and allow them to enjoy your visit more as the associated worry is removed with the protection of a good visitors insurance plan.

Visitor medical insurance plans are designed by travel health insurance companies to cover medical expenses that result from a sudden illness or injury occurring while visiting the United States or any other country outside home country. Visitors health insurance offered through various insurance provider cover emergencies, accidental death and dismemberment, prescriptions, dental, and clinic or hospital fees. offers different travel medical insurance plans underwritten by renowned international insurance carriers such as HCC Medical Insurance Services (HCCMIS), International Medical Group (IMG),  Seven Corners Insurance, Travel Insurance Services, TravelGuard, Travelex, HTH Worldwide, etc.

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Visitor Medical Insurance in USA

The travel season is in full force the year around and many visitors to USA include senior in-laws and parents visiting USA from other countries such as India, China, etc. have started their visit to the United States or have plans made for their visit. It is also prudent to get visitor medical insurance in USA for the duration of their visit as healthcare costs in the U.S. are high. The purchase for travel medical insurance on is simple and straightforward. Travelers can complete the purchase process of US visitor medical insurance online using their credit card. The policy coverage can begin as early as the following day after the purchase or at any later date as requested by the travelers. Buy visitors health insurance before the start of the journey and have a peaceful stay in America or even in any other nation abroad.

Travelers with a USA visitor visa and visiting the US should have proper visitor medical insurance in USA to cope with high cost of the health care in the U.S. Visitors insurance provides medical coverage for the visitors while outside their home country. Under USA Visitors insurance, travelers can expect coverage for medical expenses, hospitalization costs, medical evacuation, repatriation of remains, emergency evacuation etc. Non medical expenses such as trip interruption, baggage delay, passport loss etc depending on the travel health insurance plan for visitors Visa chosen by the insurance customers.

Visitors health insuranceis a type of health insurance designed for individuals who are traveling to the United States from another country. This insurance is also known as travel health insurance or visitor medical insurance. Visitors health insurance typically covers the cost of medical treatment and emergency services that may be required during the visitor’s stay in the United States. This can include coverage for hospitalization, doctor’s visits, prescription medications, and emergency medical evacuation. Many visitors health insurance plans also offer additional benefits such as coverage for trip interruption, lost luggage, and other travel-related expenses.

It is important to note that visitors health insurance is usually purchased on a short-term basis, typically ranging from a few days to several months. The cost of coverage will depend on factors such as the length of the visitor’s stay, their age, and the level of coverage selected. It is strongly recommended for visitors to the United States to obtain visitors health insurance to ensure that they have access to medical care in case of an emergency or unexpected illness.

Visitors insurance USA of different companies can be compared and purchased at Since there are several visitors insurance providers and numerous plans offered by them, travelers will find visitor medical compare tool more useful. Travelers can determine the premium rates, the deductibles, medical benefits, coverage period, exclusions various plans and make an informed choice while making a purchase. Compare tool for visitors insurance enables the travelers to make a choice quickly and conveniently.

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Visitor Insurance Pays Medical Bills for Visitors to USA

Visitors to USA take much time in planning every aspect of their visit and travel to America. A lot of effort and time is spent to plan every tiny detail about the travel including the airline, the hotel stay, ground transportation, gifts for all the visiting families, etc. It is quite common that one does forget to consider their own health in any medical emergency while in USA, arising out of an injury or a sickness. Have you ever given some thought as what it cost to deal with the medical bills that follow or will you be able to afford it without causing a blow to your personal finances?

Medical bills and the cost of health care in the United States is the topic of this lengthy and detailed article on the current state of health care in the USA. This is a real eye-opener to the actual costs one can routinely expect even for a small slip and fall, that you would take for granted in your home country. One needs to really come to terms with these facts and consider all the available solutions to counter such risks, and select the best suited option for a worry-free visit to America.

To specifically address this risk of high costs of medical care in America, USA based provider companies have designed visitor medical insurance plans to pay for all the eligible medical expenses incurred when the insured is injured or sick while in America. These visitor insurance plans feature affordable policy premiums, and anyone can easily quote and apply for a policy for themselves, their spouse and dependent children, if any, or even for a relative, friend or a business associate. Further, there is no medical check-up requirement to be eligible to enroll in any of these plans, or the necessity to furnish in-depth medical records as a requirement to apply.

Do not be intimidated by the costs of medical care and miss out on what your visit to America has to offer. has further simplified the process for visitors to USA by presenting them with an array of top-rated visitor health insurance plans for top-rated carriers based in America. By using the Compare visitor insurance webpage or talking to the qualified insurance agent, one can easily identify the best suited policy for specific coverage needs and also for exact personal budgets.