Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitor Medical Insurance for Business Travel to USA

United States hosts millions of short-term travelers who visit USA for business reasons, such as meeting a business client or partner, attending a trade show or convention, promoting the company in USA, etc. These short duration trip outside your home country are purposeful, and business travelers are enthusiastic and excited about their upcoming visit to the United States. Management of risk is an important business consideration and this a subject well understood by professional visitors to USA. To be effectively protected for health risks due to accidental injury or any unexpected sickness, buying a visitor medical insurance is the best option available since home-based plans seldom offer coverage outside national borders. Business travelers who make frequent trips to the US can qualify for the professional executive plans offering multi-trip coverage.

As with any planning, a little bit of research and preparation is necessary to determine the most suitable visitor health insurance plan. This allows the business traveler to be ready and well-prepared to take one trip without any worry, knowing that the have a health plan to fall back on during any medical emergency, given the prohibitive costs of treatment in the US. There are numerous visitor medical insurance plans and providers that offer USA and/or global clinical coverage, offer the best strategies and advise on ways to choose the best suited visitor insurance policy matching your risk necessities and monetary budget needs.

Visitor insurance pays for medical costs for unexpected illness or injuries sustained by foreign citizens while visiting the US as a short term visitor. This charges cover the entire range and typically include coverage of medical expenses due to doctor office visits, charges for prescription drugs, laboratory costs, hospitalization and surgery expenses. Most visitors coverage plans also cover costs for emergency medical evacuation of the injured or ill traveler to the nearest hospital. and repatriation of mortal remains in any uneventful death of the insured while visiting the host country.

Visitors to USA insurance plans differ in the extent of coverage they provide, and are available as limited benefit or comprehensive plans. With limited benefit plans, the covered limit for each medical condition is typically lower than the maximum amount assured by the policy. Limited or fixed plans offer a maximum pre-set amount for each injury or illness, initial deductibles are payable by the person insured, as detailed in the schedule of benefits section in the policy brochure. Comprehensive-coverage plan benefit amounts are not limited by medical condition, and eligible medical expenses are covered to the policy maximum. Moreover, with comprehensive policies, the benefits can be claimed per life of the plan rather than per injury or sickness. Unlike fixed plans, comprehensive plans offer the additional coverage for medical treatment for complications of pregnancy and acute onset of pre-existing diseases. In addition the medical expenses, these plans also cover loss of checked luggage and costs of trip interruption. With comprehensive plan, the insured can choose a healthcare provider in the preferred provider organization (PPO) network of caregivers or use the services of a doctor of their choice out of network also.