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Visitors Medical Insurance for USA Visitors from China

Chinese nationals visiting the USA as visitors or traveling to Canada can be covered for medical, sickness and other accident emergencies by purchasing visitors medical insurance. Health insurance plans that cover domestic US citizens are not applicable for the Chinese visitors in the United States or Canada, and they are eligible to get coverage under visitors medical insurance China plan.

Many visitor insurance providers offer visitors insurance china plans with different premium costs and coverage benefits that cover international travelers from China. Common plan benefits include medical expenses, medical evacuation, repatriation of mortal remains, family reunion etc. Chinese insurance customers can get other client details such as premium cost, coverage benefits, plan deductibles, plan exclusions, etc. in the visitors insurance plan using online compare visitor insurance.

Visitors to the United States from mainland China or Hong Kong can use the convenient visitor medical insurance quote, compare and review facility to evaluate the plan information and go through the brochures of guest insurance policies. Visitors can then make a decision to choose the best visitor insurance USA or cheapest plan that meets their exact needs and specified budgeted cost. The bottom line for every traveler visiting from Asia is that this kind of protection is needed by all, regardless of the amount of travel in USA that you do or the location in USA you will visit. Getting visitor medical insurance is fast and easy by utilizing the internet. Perform your search to find the best policy for you and then enjoy your vacation with the peace of mind that you will be covered, just in case of a mishap or accident.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitor Insurance for Parents or Relatives Visiting USA

If you are planning this year for your senior parents visiting USA, or other relatives travel to America even for a short term duration, consider seriously getting a visitor insurance policy also. During their stay in America, you may do sight seeing tourist locations around the United States, or even incidental trips to Canada or Mexico on a vacation, or just chill out with them and family in your town or city in America. But no one wants this family experience ruined if these aged visitors fall sick due to an unexpected health emergency involving a visit to the hospital or emergency room for dire medical conditions whilst in the USA. This could also be due to a road accident or even a fall due to slippery surface when actively participating in one of the aforementioned events, so this injury can also lead the individual in serious conditions to the hospital or urgent care facility.

Health emergency can strike anyone visiting USA or any other foreign country, and can happen anytime, no one can plan ahead to put off such emergencies. So a visit to the hospital becomes in-evitable and one can only hope that they receive the required care and treatment to see their loved ones recuperate back to original health as when these individuals were when them came to visit you. But much of health care in the United States or elsewhere in the western world is expensive for even routine care or for more advanced procedures needed for diagnosis and treatment of your parent or relative who is in the hospital bed. In extreme cases, access to care can be curtailed or limited without proper proof of health coverage for visitors such as an insurance I.D. card showing the tool-free number through which the doctor offices or hospital staff can verify coverage with the insurance provider. But the most important thing then is the accessibility of care and immediate treatment given to the visitor and sorting of all financial concerns later.

Under these situations is when visitor medical insurance has an important role to navigate the health care system in America. Health insurance for visitors to USA provides accident and sickness coverage for all visitors who enroll in a plan, therby offering the worry-free advantage of medical protection in such dire situations. These visitors insurance plans can be purchased by anyone on behalf of any visitor, related or not, and can be broadly classified as low cost fixed benefit policies or affordable comprehensive coverage plans. There are many available plans that offer many benefits and include features such as pre-existing condition coverage in acute onset relapse situations, offering significant benefit amounts even to those visiting individuals who may have had a heart surgery or stroke in the past while in their home country.

To wade through all the various visitor insurance plans and products from the different travel medical insurance providers based in the US, one can get overwhelmed and sidetracked by barrage of marketing and product information that one stumbles upon these days. This limits your sincere ability of finding and picking the best visitor insurance poilicy that aptly meets your visitors exact needs and coverage requirements. helps you discern all these plans in a nutshell and points you the exact visitor health insurance that you are looking for at the budget that you have allocated.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Get Visitor Medical Insurance Before Travel to USA

For many who are visiting the United States of America (USA) for the first time, or even on subsequent visits, any vacation here is a life changing experience. Not only do you get to meet your friends or relatives who reside in USA, but you also get the opportunity to travel the breadth of country and see first hand the culture of America. But to ensure that your dream holiday does not turn horrible experience, should an medical emergency or an unexpected accident forces you to seek health care, but remember that costs are not cheap in the United States it is essential to have adequate and acceptable visitor medical insurance coverage in the United States in the form of visitors health insurance before boarding the flight to your destination.

Everyone visiting USA hopes to have the best and enjoyable time while in USA and their travel not curtailed by any medical mishap. However, it is important to note that is impossible to predict this with certainty as no one can foretell when a medical emergency due to an accident could strike or when one might face a major illness. If such as unexpected health related event happens when you are holidaying in the United States and if you have not given getting a US visitor insurance policy the required importance, you might have to face immediate issues pertaining to access to the right care and later with e extreme financial problems as well because health care costs in the US are exceedingly high. Due to these facts, it is always advisable for anyone visiting the US whether as a tourist or visiting family or friends, to get visitor medical insurance before travel to USA.

When shopping for visitors insurance online, it is quite common to come across plans from several insurance providers, both based in the U.S. and outside also. First and foremost, it is to your benefit and advantage to buy a policy from a USA based provider as these plans are widely accepted and you will not run into issues questioning their validity. Furthermore, doctor offices and hospital billing departments can call the provider directly to verify the coverage obtained. These providers have designed a wide array of comprehensive and fixed benefit plans offering visitor medical insurance, a visit to a website such as can help you in comparing and selecting a plan that best suit your needs and your budget. Although all providers have very helpful customer service programs, it is advisable to seek the expertise of the insurance agent at to choose the best visitor medical insurance provider after comparing quoted costs and plan features. As a guideline, it is a good decision to choose a visitors medical coverage plan after comparing the merits, demerits and costs of the various available policies. If you opt for a fixed benefit plan, you will get lower premium costs and benefit amounts that are capped, when compared with a comprehensive coverage plan that is quoted a slightly higher premium.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

America Visitor Insurance

America Visitor Insurance provides visitors to the United States of America (USA) with medical insurance coverage and protection from accident, injury and health related sickness due to emergencies or even a routine illness during their stay and travel within the US.

Visitor medical insurance for visiting USA is very important. In the America’s (USA and Canada), health care is not cheap and minor sickness can cause large medical expenses. Serious medical problems can be financially disastrous without visitor health insurance. Visitor medical insurance or visitor visa insurance is required when you have parents or other family visiting the United States. US visitor’s medical insurance plans is required especially for immigrant communities in United States such as from India, China, Korea, Vietnam, Europe, Mexico and South America, other overseas nations. Compare visitors insurance plans offered by top-rated US-based provider companies that insure visitors health and travel in the USA and also outside home country.

Visitors Health Insurance Benefits

Many visitors health insurance plans are available for quoting and purchase on, these travel medical insurance policies offer a broad degree of coverage that includes:

  • Emergency Medical Needs or Evacuation
  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD & D)
  • Repatriation of Mortal Remains
  • Hospital, Doctor’s, and Clinical Expenses
  • Costs of Prescription Drugs
  • Dental Fees for reconstructive surgery

Normally, visitors insurance plans provide benefits for hospitalization coverage, visit the outpatient, surgery, and prescription drug costs. Visit the U. S. Department of Health website to obtain more information about health care in the U.S. and be prepared for the high costs with visitors health insurance. You can get visitors health insurance quotes for free, and visitors now can better understand the insurance terms of visitors insurance plans or travel health insurance policies by reading the insurance guide and insurance glossary.

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Reasons to Obtain Visitor Health Insurance

The way visitor medical insurance plans are designed and works can be difficult to understand for somebody outside the insurance industry. There are several plans, each with different range of maximum coverages, deductibles and limitations. Selecting one policy over another can be confusing. At we provide utilities that so that you compare objectively information about different major insurance plans, and purchase a plan that you feel to be most appropriate. Using, customers can easily compare visitor insurance plans, obtain free insurance quotes, and buy online for instant plan directly using a credit card with our visitor insurance comparison tool.

US visitors health insurance, also known as visitors medical insurance, is absolutely required while traveling to countries like United States of America (USA), Canada, United Kingdom (UK), Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Europe etc. It can be financially catastrophic in the event of a medical emergency while traveling in these advanced countries due to some of the many reasons we have highlighted below.

  • Visitors and new immigrants are not eligible for local health insurance plan
  • Health insurance is required to maintain legal visa status, such as US J Visa, F1 Student Visa
  • Hospital costs in developed countries like USA, Canada, UK, are not inexpensive
  • Get visitor insurance to help pay for unexpected doctor/hospital bills
  • De-risk yourself & protect your family to have a worry-free stay abroad
  • Immediate medical help in case of a medical emergency during visit abroad
  • Simple claims procedure directly with the insurance provider, who will also assist you

The traveler outside home country will reduce the financial dangers rising from any unforeseen accidents or medical emergency by purchasing visitor medical insurance. has developed online tools that will allow you to get free visitor medical insurance quotes, clearly comprehend insurance terminology in the insurance glossary, and review the answers to frequently asked questions regarding visitor insurance. Customers can also contact us regarding any visitor insurance related queries. At, we try to provide you with all the relevant information in an easily understandable manner. Our products range from the most affordable to the most comprehensive and visitors/travelers can select plans according to their individual preference. We provide professional customer servive for visitor medical health insurance, global health insurance and immigrant insurance.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitors Insurance for Medical Coverage in USA

Purchasing visitors insurance is one of the many steps required to enjoy your travel to USA or to any other foreign country as a short term visitor. Whatever may be the purpose of a visit to USA or any other country, personal or business, there is the real need to always mitigate that risk of emergency health expenses during the duration of stay in America or in another foreign land. Visitor medical insurance is an essential requirement and can provide a number of benefits to protect the visitors health in the visiting nation.

Visitors health insurance for USA can help the traveler with the necessary medical treatments in any event of a sickness or injury or accident during the visit. The cost of medical treatments are not cheap in developed countries and visitors from foreign nations usually do not usually have adequate resources to meet these emergency situations. Visitors insurance meets these expenses and provides peace of mind during your trip to USA.

Domestic health insurance plans are not usually available for non-US citizens visiting USA and are restricted for visitors from foreign lands. New immigrants to USA and other countries are not eligible to purchase and get the benefit of a domestic medical insurance policy. Travelers crossing borders of home country are also not eligible to buy these domestic insurance plans, which are available only for the natives of the respective nations. Parents and relatives visiting USA to meet and spend time with their children, international students studying in a foreign land, and new immigrants to any nation can benefit from obtaining visitors medical insurance.

Medical insurance for visitors to USA also helps individuals and families visiting USA with health insurance cards that have access to PPO provider networks and also lists a contact number to use in the even t of an medical emergency requiring the need for health care services in most cities and states in America. This helps a lot as one does not have to worry about where to find the listed providers and contact the medical professionals to seek the treatment.

Visitors medical insurance is offered by many companies based here in USA, and it is possible for the insured benefit with simple and easy claim procedures after undergoing medical treatments. Many insurance companies also work with the caregivers to directly pay medical bills in a cashless transaction, saving time and the effort involved in getting the claims reimbursed. Visitors insurance for USA is the best for to keep yourself in good health while visiting USA or for foreign travel outside home.

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Visiting Without Insurance, Know the Risks

Many overseas citizens plan on visiting USA at any given time, they give a lot of thought in advance about getting the US visitor visa necessary to gain legal entry at the United States port of arrival, the choice of airline for flight tickets, the gifts they plan to buy their near and dear ones they are visiting in the United States, and what clothes and other personal items they need to pack for their stay while in America. But one important item in the checklist which is often commonly overlooked, is to buy visitor health insurance which they might personally need in the event they become sick or injured while in the U.S. This post discusses in detail the travel medical/health risks for anyone planning on visiting USA without a qualified visitor medical insurance plan.

The USA offers any visitor an enchanting experience with a wide choice of places to visit and sights to see. But also, it is important to remember that for the uninsured visitor, access to medical services and cost for healthcare is not going to be cheap. It widely reported on the internet that how just a 2 hour visit to the hospital emergency room in USA resulted in medical bills in excess of USD 12,000 for an uninsured person. Also, the new Affordable Care Act which was declared constitutional by the US Supreme Court in June 2012, requires all US residents to purchase and carry provide proof of health insurance coverage for themselves and their families. The same law does not clearly state if visitors to USA, to also, by mandate purchase visitor medical insurance, however many US consulates and consular missions abroad may require temporary visitors to the U.S. to be required to show proof of health insurance coverage from U.S. based health insurance providers before they will be issued a US visitor visa. Also, in terms of enforcement of the law, U.S. immigration officers at airports and other ports of entry in USA may also start randomly asking some of the visitors to USA if they are medically covered for their duration of stay.

Even if the current law does not fully mandate health insurance for visitors traveling to the U.S., the financial and medical risks associated with any travel to USA as an uninsured individual does not go away. Every uninsured visitor needs to be fully aware of all such risks, even if one chooses to visit the USA without insurance. Remember that facing catastrophic illnesses or an accident as an uninsured visitor to USA may lead to a scramble or failure to raise the much needed funds to get medical treatment and attention in the needed hour of health crisis. Many Indian, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian, Mexican and other senior citizens, such as elderly relatives or parents visiting USA for the first time or subsequently on a multiple entry US visitor visa, have a predisposition towards diabetes and high blood pressure, and this may factor to the complications and cost of medical care also.

It is always prudent to alleviate such financial and health risks due to access to medical care by purchasing a visitor medical insurance policy from a US based provider. Given the fact that with so many choices of visitor insurance plans that are very affordable, costing around a dollar a day for visitors coverage, gives a compelling reason to not carry the risks on one’s own shoulder. Visitor medical insurance plans are broadly made of fixed benefit plans, which have caps on the maximum amount of coverage for each medical condition, and a comprehensive coverage plan, which covers most medical conditions up to the selected maximum coverage. Both policy types allow its members to choose from a wide network of doctors, hospitals, laboratories, urgent care facilities, and other caregivers, or even from out of the PPO network. can help you find the best suited policy the meets your requirements and coverage needs.

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Visitors Insurance Step-by-Step

Every time you plan on being a visitor to USA or any other nation, also plan to purchase your visitor insurance policy. Buy before you actually make that purchase, make note of any changes with the plan you purchase last time, and compare your existing plan to any other newly available plans, if any. When you choose your insurance provider for visitors insurance, understand what your health coverage entails and what level of medical benefits you get.

Before choose your visitor insurance policy or provider, be certain to collect the pertinent information regarding your plan selected. Take into consideration your payments and deductibles in the plan, as well as the extent of your coverage. When comparing other plans, along with this information from your selected policy, take into consideration all other features and options.

You can get inexpensive low-cost visitor insurance if you are traveling along with a group with many members. Many providers offer cheaper group travel medical insurance this way. However, you need to be a group of 5 or more traveling together to be eligible for such a policy, else you may have to look for other options. One advantage of this group travel medical insurance plans is that you can get the same visitor health insurance at a low cost due to the group savings.

If you talk to a visitor health insurance agent, be sure to provide the visitors age, citizenship, along with the destination country or countries where you will be needing coverage. When completing the application form for enrollment online on, simply respond to whatever questions asked in the application and be always accurate when entering all the details to make sure you eligible for coverage enrolled.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitors Medical Insurance for USA Visitors

Visitors Medical Insurance for USA Visitors is absolutely necessary for foreigners visiting USA and who require visitors medical coverage and protection for medical emergencies during their visit to the United States of America. Visitors insurance will not just provide you coverage for hospital expenses rather you will be covered for out patient doctor office visits, medical evaluation and prescription drugs as well. While some companies may offer insurance for pre-existing conditions, in general visitors medical insurance covers you for unexpected sickness and injury only, and not any annual physicals or annual health check-up when the visitor is doing perfectly fine.

It is advisable to have insurance from an American company while in the United States, even if the premium for these plans are more expensive. The reason is that while almost all medical doctors / hospitals and other healthcare providers in the United States accept American insurance company health care ID cards, they will be reluctant to acknowledge overseas insurance coverage and will insist on a USA based visitors medical insurance. The medical physician office can easily contact an American insurance company via a toll-free number for clarification regarding acceptance, while the same will not be true for an overseas insurance company. Typically medical offices in the US will bill directly to known American insurance companies. For overseas insurance companies that offer private health insurance, you most probably will have to pay the bill and then try to get the claim reimbursed from the insurance company later.

Choosing the right visitor health insurance for you can be difficult and daunting task if approached without knowledge about the plan benefits and offerings the travel medical insurance industry has to offer. There are certain means online that will aid you in making a decision. There are websites like that will help you make comparisons on different insurance plans, which will surely help you choose which plan would suit your standards. Most of these sites also offer means of applying for a medical insurance online. Be sure to compare visitor insurance plans for USA Visitors, and purchase the most affordable plan with the best coverage requirements that suits your individual insurance needs.

Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitor Insurance Medically Protects Visitors to USA

Visitor insurance protects the visitor financially from high medical expenses for treatment of accidents and injuries involved while visiting USA or another nation. But, even more importantly, visitors insurance coverage allows the visitors to gain access to the right kind of medical care at the right time, as urgent attention that is warranted in life threatening situations that might arise from unforeseen medical emergencies. Buy subscribing and purchasing a visitor medical insurance, the travelers is in effect buying peace of mind and allows the policyholder to enjoy his or her USA visit or even any foreign trip with out the worry of how to deal with such situations.

Buying visitor insurance is very important for every short-term visitor to America or any destination outside home country to consider individual or family health and safety as top priority. Visitor health insurance takes care of the medical bills that arise from unforeseen medical expenses due to accidents or sickness while visit any international destination. Purchasing visitor medical insurance comparatively may be a tine expense when you consider the huge bills that eventually follow any treatment for the much-required emergency medical attention, this is especially true in western nations where cost of medical care is high. Serious medical illness can become a financial nightmare without the proper and adequate coverage of visitors insurance. Sometimes, even a minor sickness, which is low-cost and very affordable to treat in home country, may require spending higher amounts in countries such as USA or Canada.

visitor insurance provider companies have designed a wide array of plans to cover such risks; visitors have to choose the best plan depending on individual requirement and budget. By purchasing a visitor medical insurance plan from the plan choices available on, the client is presented the best-suited policy to meet their very specific need and requirements. Visitor insurance policies can be purchased any time, but it is always advisable to buy coverage prior to starting you on long travel and for the entire duration of stay outside home country. Many plans offer a wide array of choices, with broad types of coverage from basic to comprehensive, and with coverage period may range from five days to three years.

Visitor medical insurance plans also offer various levels of maximum coverage benefit and many deductibles choices. Visitor medical insurance covers the insured for emergency medical evacuation, accidental death dismemberment, repatriation of mortal remains, prescription drug costs, inpatient or outpatient hospital charges, doctors fees, clinical, diagnostic, and laboratory expenses. By read the plan brochure, the traveler can familiarize with the visitor insurance terminology and better understand various plans and coverage benefits.

Deductible is the amount that has to be paid to the insurance company before the plan reimburses the policyholder for the eligible expenses. Co-insurance typically applies to comprehensive plans, and varies depending on the plan, certain plans offer a very high deductible option to substantially lower quoted premiums to purchase the policy. When researching plans, one can compare visitor insurance policies using the compare plan features on to evaluate coverage benefits offered under different travel medical insurance plans, and to pick the most beneficial visitor health insurance policy for one’s needs.