Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

If you are visiting the USA, or even planning to visit USA in the near future, then you must be aware that even a minor injury or sickness could cost you thousands of dollars, if you choose not to purchase a visitor medical insurance. In more serious emergency medical situations, it is not an exaggeration that even a short overnight hospitalization in an American hospital can leave you with a liability in tens of thousands of dollars. Or in a case of visiting an emergency room for even a few hours will result in a bill of many thousand dollars. In case if the visitor is uninsured during a medical emergency and not able to pay the medical bills, then there is possibility of financial insolvency.

To avoid such disastrous situations and outcomes, visitor medical insurance plans will be very helpful for visitors to USA. The insurance providers based in the U.S. have designed these plans to meet these needs exactly, and they will cover all eligible medical bills under the usual, customary and reasonable (UC&R) basis. Therefore it is always in the best interest of the visitor and/or their immediate family members to buy medical insurance for visitors to USA, even if they are currently in healthy condition. The real after effects of a health emergency while in the United States or any developed country can be only understood after experiencing it, but this would be too late to remedy from a financial standpoint.

However, if the traveler is proactive and fully comprehends the associated risks, thereby taking caution by purchasing a visitor insurance for the entire duration of stay outside home country. In this instance, the visitor insurance plan will cover them if they fall ill or meet with an accident after plan is effective. Travelers should ideally purchase visitor health insurance plans before starting their travel from their home country. However, if the traveler is already in the host country, it still might not be late to purchase a plan that will become effective the next day. There may be limits to how much your insurance company will cover for each medical expense; depending on what coverage you buy. Some of the benefits include payment for hospitalization costs, prescription drug coverage, and costs of office visits to see a doctor, laboratory charges, dental expenses and more.

Anyone outside the travel medical insurance industry might find visitor health insurance terms and coverage benefits confusing at the onset. Reviewing all the details on will help the traveler clear such confusion and understand in depth how these plans work. There are various visitor insurance providers and many plans offered by them. Using a visitor medical insurance compare tool, travelers can compare the policies side-by-side and evaluate the features. The eligible age group, duration of coverage, maximum covered amount and other salient features of these policies that will be laid out in an easy to comprehend format online. Visitor health insurance that is broadly differentiated as fixed benefit plans and comprehensive coverage plans, and all features such as quoted premium cost, policy deductibles, co-insurance, provider PPO network, etc. will also be included.