Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Before you plan to lower the quoted premium cost of your visitors health insurance, make sure that you have a visitors insurance plan which pertains to your current as well as future needs. Once a policy is purchased, you might not be able to change the deductible and maximum coverage benefit amount as your premium cost is based on them. Always base your purchase on your current visitors health insurance requirements and for the entire duration of stay in the visiting country such as USA.

By increasing your out-of-pocket expenses that you pay towards the deductibe costs is another option, by choosing a higher detectible visitors health insurance lowers your premium cost also. If you are in general good health, and don’t anticipate any large medical expenses in the near future, think about choosing a visitors plan with larger deductible amounts which is paid until the preset amount is crossed during the plan period or duration. Typically, you have to meet just one deductible amount in a calender year, always very details in the plan brochure.

With many visitor medical insurance plans available today, it is important to stay in the respective plan network of healthcare professionals and hospitals called the PPO network. The reason for this is the visitor insurance company has a contract with the network providers to pay pre-negotiated usual, customary and reasonable (UC&R) rates. This not only saves the insurance company money, but the insured will also pay the discounted co-insurance rates if they stay within the PPO network. If visitors to the US also plan to travels within the United States, think about using a visitor health insurance company that has a large network of doctors and hospitals within the visiting state, as well as out of state. Going to a medical care provider outside of your network is allowed, but this can increase the co-insurance cost much more than providers who are in the PPO network.

If you don’t have a pre-existing health condition that requires many doctor visits, test, and prescriptions, then you can save some money by purchasing a plan that does not offer pre-existing condition coverage benefit. Your visitors insurance plan stills pay for coverage of accidents and illnesses that come on suddenly upto the pre-selected plan maximum amount, including new conditions like heart attack or a stroke, that require emergency care and hospital stay.

Don’t forget to consider the size of your deductible when you are choosing a visitors health insurance plan. It may be tempting to select a larger deductible in exchange for lower premiums, but keep in mind that you will be responsible for upto that amount before the plan can reimburse you. If you can’t afford to pay that much, go with the higher premiums and lower deductible.